Projekt skončil v roce 2013

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Termín:13.4.2013 - 14.4.2013 (sobota - 9.00-12.00, 14.00-17.00, neděle - 9.00-12.00)
Místo konání:Sluňákov - víkendové aktivity a letní škola
Anotace:Studenti získají informace o aromaterapii jako terapeutické metodě
využívající vlastností éterických olejů získaných z rostlin. Seznámí se s
vlastnostmi éterických olejů, osvojí si způsoby jejich aplikace a kontraindikace u lékařských diagnóz, bezpečnost užití. Dalším tématem jsou účinky olejů na psychické a tělesné funkce s důrazem na školskou
problematiku, psychogenní účinky (relaxanty, stimulanty, adaptogeny...),
účinky na fyziologii člověka. Praktické cvičení: srovnávání silic, míchání
aromaterapeutických preparátů- bude vkládáno podle potřeb během přednášky.

Celodenní strava v sobotu a půldenní v neděli včetně pití je hrazena z grantu, nic si brát nemusíte. Ubytování je možné za 150Kč/noc, to si prosíme vyřiďte individuálně s paní Vyhňákovou ze Sluňákova:
Jinak vzhledem k tomu, že do Horky jede MHD, není to na večerní odjezd a ranní příjezd náročné.

Tort wars: elegance actions set to growth as legal guidelines wind again

Michael Legg is affiliated with Jones Day, Law Council of Australia Class Actions Committee and the National Pro Bono Resource Centre.
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In the early to mid-2000s governments all through Australia added reforms limiting rights to claim for negligence. The tort of negligence and other statutory causes of motion, which includes the prohibition on misleading or deceptive behavior, enables a person who is injured through another the proper to are searching for compensation. The reforms were pushed by using issues that excessive reimbursement claims had been unaffordable for society and had been increasing insurance charges.
Now they are slowly being unwound. New laws are allowing lawyers greater freedom on a way to charge their clients, and rules proscribing legal responsibility are being eroded through the courts. A new report released this week by the Productivity Commission additionally advocates enjoyable felony billing regulations to inspire extra litigation.
The reforms 10 years in the past made a whole lot of adjustments including: elevating the usual of care; limiting liability for risky leisure activities; developing compensation thresholds; and capping damages. They also restricted methods legal professionals should rate charges and created disincentives for suing “deep pocket” entities.
Lawyers in Australia may additionally price charges using conditional billing agreements. This way the price only desires to be paid if a a hit outcome is accomplished. Lawyers also are able to fee an uplift rate, or an extra amount if the action succeeds, whilst the case is specially unstable. This fee should now not exceed 25% of the overall fee.
There are regulations on price preparations. Lawyers are presently no longer authorized to rate contingency fees, or a price calculated with the aid of reference to the quantity recovered. Where an uplift price is used the lawyer ought to disclose why it is needed. In NSW, conditional billing with an uplift can not be used in a claim for damages.
The Legal Profession Uniform Law in an effort to operate in NSW and Victoria from early 2015 relaxes a number of these necessities. Lawyers will now not want to reveal the purpose for charging uplift prices. The modifications additionally elevate the ban on conditional billing with an uplift in damages claims.
The new legal guidelines on the way to apply to around 75% of Australia’s lawyers are designed to be the model for a countrywide felony regime. They can also encourage greater litigation and/or better criminal fees.
The different reform, put forward by the Productivity Commission this week, will remove the ban on contingency expenses. The argument for extra fee flexibility is to do away with barriers to get right of entry to to justice. However, except carefully regulated, the effect of allowing contingency expenses may be greater litigation and higher damages claims at the same time as now not always making it cheaper for customers.
The “deep pocket syndrome” describes wherein professional service vendors and public authorities are centered in litigation for his or her coverage cowl.
Prior to the civil liability reforms a a hit plaintiff should recover their whole loss from any defendant regardless of their proportion of responsibility. This turned into mainly attractive whilst the principle responsible entities had been insolvent or couldn’t come up with the money for to pay the declare. It brought about rising insurance premiums for medical doctors, architects and neighborhood councils.
To address this, Australia followed the system of proportionate liability. This meant that every defendant became simplest at risk of pay damages to the extent in their share of the duty for the damage.
However a recent Federal Court case regarding the sale of complex economic merchandise to nearby councils might also trade the system.
The Federal Court considered important federal statutory regimes – the Corporations Act 2001 and the_ Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001_. Its reasoning additionally applies to the Competition and Consumer Act 2011. The case is vital due to the fact the provisions taken into consideration by means of the court docket y the court are robotically utilized in shareholder, funding advice and product legal responsibility magnificence moves.
The courtroom turned into asked to decide two claims, one of which turned into protected by way of the proportionate legal responsibility legal guidelines. The plaintiff succeeded on each claims and due to the fact they did, the courtroom allowed them to chose the remedy they desired. This enabled the plaintiff to avoid the proportionate legal responsibility laws and recover 100% of its losses from any of the respondents.
The outcome turned into surprising due to the fact every week earlier in every other case, a Full Court majority followed the other production and said it'd practice proportionate liability to all claims primarily based at the equal facts.
If the approach used inside the local council case prevails then the proportionate legal responsibility limit will become redundant. A plaintiff can be capable of rent a number of reasons of movement when it comes to the same alleged loss, and if a success on some of them, pick one that isn't always problem to the proportionate liability regime.
These modifications demonstrate that civil liability reforms are slowly being unwound. The question is whether or not they will result in a better balance among the hobbies of injured men and women, insurers, defendants and taxpayers or herald a go back to the concerns that brought on the initial reforms?
Core restrictions on personal harm claims still remain so it's miles unlikely we can see a unexpected influx of cases. However, it's far more likely that there could be an increase in litigation in other areas.
This has already began with extra magnificence actions through shareholders and overcharged clients. These new claims, if delivered in sufficient quantity, can have an impact on the coverage marketplace and the issues of early 2000 will begin to reappear. We aren't at that factor but however will we want to relive beyond mistakes before taking movement?

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Lektor:Mgr. Veronika Jurečková


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